Basement Tecnhologies Calgary Ltd.

Calgary Wet Basement Waterproofing

Basement Tecnhologies Calgary specializes in basement and foundation waterproofing. We are partnered with the largest and fastest growing basement waterproofing company in North America; Basement Technologies Inc.

During the life of a structure, most basements will have water seepage. Without the proper waterproofing in place, the resulting structural and financial damage can be severe. Basement Technologies are leading the waterproofing industry in research and patents.

Our custom tailored solutions make waterproofing affordable while offering a lifetime warranty for a dry basement."

Basement Tecnhologies Calgary Ltd.

Tel: (403) 230-0500
Fax: (403) 685-6797
  • Custom Tailored Waterproofing for Finished & Unfnished Basements
  • Most Thoroughly Trained and Technically Efficient Basement Waterprooing Company in North America
  • Certified Waterproofing Professionals
  • Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction & Lifetime Warranties
  • Industry Leader in Research & Patents
  • Free Written Estimates

How Water Enters your Basement

The most common place for basement seepage is the floor & wall joint. The footing, foundation wall and concrete floor are three separate structures and inherently there are seems or joints. The floor wall joint is the most typical location for water entry into a basement.

Calgary Wet Basement
  Basement Waterproofing